
Grove Accelerometer

This 3-axis Accelerometer module is based on MMA7660FC with Digital Output I2C. This Module can be used for sensing data changes, product orientation, and gesture detection through an interrupt pin (INT).It is a very low power, low profile capacitive MEMS sensor.

API Reference

How To Connect

Install the package with: go get

You must pass in an Adaptor that supports the i2c.Connector interface to use with this Driver.

You can use the following optional params if you wish to change the I2C Bus and I2C Address from the default values.

i2c.WithBus(int): bus to use with this driver.

i2c.WithAddress(int): address to use with this driver

// default bus/address
accel := i2c.NewGroveAccelerometerDriver(adaptor)

// optional bus/address
accel := i2c.NewGroveAccelerometerDriver(adaptor,

How To Use

Example using a Grove Accelerometer.

// code here
