

Gobot At FOSDEM 2017

Last week we took the robot world tour to Brussels, Belgium for FOSDEM 2017. Founded in 2000, FOSDEM is unarguably one of Europe's most fun and important open source conferences, and we were excited to share our work in open source robotics & IoT using Golang.

Lots of enthusiasm energized the conference, and the Golang room was so packed that they literally stopped people from coming in. Crazy! The live video feed was excellent, however, and the entire talk was recorded. You can watch the video online here. Slides and code are located here.

Thanks to all of you who came out to see us! We had a great time showing our upcoming Gobot 1.2 release, that will be coming out just in time for the Golang 1.8 release party next week!

Please follow us on Twitter at @gobotio for the latest project information as we continue our journey.