Gobot - Release 1.11
Thanks to our wonderful contributors, we've just released version 1.11 of Gobot. The newest Gobot updates to the newest go-sdl2 package, and also adds 2 new kinds of controllers: the XBox 360 "Rock Band" drum controller, and also the T-Flight Hotas X flight controller. We also have added lots more features to the DJI Tello, including PalmLand()
which in fact thanks to the Intel Movidius chip in the drone does in fact land on the palm of your hand. Neat!
Check out this code sample:
package main import ( "time" "gobot.io/x/gobot" "gobot.io/x/gobot/platforms/dji/tello" ) func main() { drone := tello.NewDriver("8888") work := func() { drone.TakeOff() gobot.After(10*time.Second, func() { drone.PalmLand() }) } robot := gobot.NewRobot("tello", []gobot.Connection{}, []gobot.Device{drone}, work, ) robot.Start() }
This new release also updates to the newest GoCV which adds the new default auto-configuration allowing you usually to just install OpenCV and "go run" code without needing all of the extra environment setup that previous versions had required. We like less!
Full Changelog
There's even more in the new release, so if you want the full details, check out the release info at https://github.com/hybridgroup/gobot/releases/tag/1.11.0.
Keep Informed
Keep informed with the latest project updates by following us on Twitter at @gobotio. Thank you!
- Gobot - Release 1.11
- Hello, Tello - Hacking Drones With Go
- Gobot 1.7 - Eyes Of The World
- Gobot 1.5 - On Pins And Boards
- Gobot - 1.4 Spring Cleaning
- Gobot - 1.3 Is Here
- All About The Next Generation At SCaLE15x
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- Gobot At FOSDEM 2017
- Gobot - The 1.1 Release
- Gobot - The Big One Oh!
- Gobot - This One Goes To 0.11
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- Gobot in Vice
- Gobot mentioned in SD Times
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- Gobot 0.7 - The Big Release
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